What’s it like living with a Zone RV off-road caravan?

Life “in the Zone” with the #ZN-259

Ever thought about finishing up work, selling the house, buying your dream caravan and hitting the road with no end date? Zone RV owners Elisa & Wayne Jeffers have done just that!

Our journey in the Zone

Since late May 2022, Wayne and I (Elisa) have been living on the road full time in our Zone RV Off-Road 20’6 with our Toyota Land Cruiser 200 series and Z-UEV canopy fitout.

We had been planning this trip for several years, with the dream of traveling this beautiful country of ours with no end date. Yet we found that often when we traveled on a scheduled plan, we found ourselves wanting to stay in locations longer than our trip would allow us. Our dream was to have a flexible travel schedule and be able to spend an extra day or two at a location if we wanted to.

Where our off-road caravan journey started

Zone RV Muster 2022 at Hangar O

After leaving Brisbane, our first destination was the 2022 Zone RV Muster at Hangar O. We always enjoy the Zone RV Muster – in fact we’ve attended since the Esk 2020 Muster. As a Zone RV owner, we highly recommend attending the Muster, it’s a great event to plan a trip around! What a great way to meet so many lovely people in the Zone RV community and form some lifelong travel friends.

After enjoying a number of days at Hangar O, we officially started our trip around Australia, living full time on the road in our Zone RV 20’6 Off-Road.

Driving an off-road caravan to Birdsville

Departing the Muster saw us officially start our journey to the most remote music festival in the world, the Big Red Bash in Birdsville Queensland! Our trip to the BRB took us just over 4 weeks as we were excited to take our time, enjoy the journey and appreciate destinations we can explore along with way.

We love that our Zone has given us the ability to live off-grid for great lengths of time. During our journey from Hangar O to Birdsville we have enjoyed some great low cost & free camps that we definitely recommend checking out if you’re passing through!

Stay tuned for our next blog as we explain our top 5 must do free & low cost camp grounds when travelling from South East QLD to the Big Red Bash

Elisa & Wayne Jeffers – Life In The Zone #ZN-259